
When adding questions into a protocol and using the type: “checkboxResponseArea” I was trying to add “responseRequired”: true but was receiving an error stating that it did not match the schema. Once this line was removed I was successful at uploading the protocol.

Is the capability to have a response required not possible? If not, is there another way to make sure that a participant answers the question before moving on? I have copied an example of the protocol below.

“protocolId”: “PreQuestionnaire”,
“title”: “Pre Questionnaire”,
“id”: “Pre01”,
“title”: “Question 1”,
“questionMainText”: “Gender”,
“instructionText”:“Please select one option”,
“responseRequired”: true,
“responseArea”: {
“type”: “checkboxResponseArea”,
“choices”: [
“id”: “Female”
“id”: “Male”
“id”: “Other”

Hello Natalie,

That’s a quick and easy fix! The schema calls for that property to be assigned in the response area and not on the page like it is currently set up. To fix this, move the line “responseRequired”: true, below “type”: “checkboxResponseArea”, so that it is nested in the responseArea.

Engineer, Creare