When adding questions into a protocol and using the type: “checkboxResponseArea” I was trying to add “responseRequired”: true but was receiving an error stating that it did not match the schema. Once this line was removed I was successful at uploading the protocol.
Is the capability to have a response required not possible? If not, is there another way to make sure that a participant answers the question before moving on? I have copied an example of the protocol below.
“protocolId”: “PreQuestionnaire”,
“title”: “Pre Questionnaire”,
“id”: “Pre01”,
“title”: “Question 1”,
“questionMainText”: “Gender”,
“instructionText”:“Please select one option”,
“responseRequired”: true,
“responseArea”: {
“type”: “checkboxResponseArea”,
“choices”: [
“id”: “Female”
“id”: “Male”
“id”: “Other”