Issue with the below code. I am trying to include a “followOns” conditional question if a certain response is included in the selection.
We basically have a checkbox response area on the first question, and if the response includes a particular response variable (i.e. Heavy weapons) I want the program to ask the follow up question. However the conditional “FollowOns” does not seem to recognize the “CheckboxResponseArea” as it does the “MultipleChoiceResponseArea” and when demoing on TabSINT, overlooks the “FollowOns” question.
I have used the TabSINT online user guide ( but am still coming up short. Would you be able to advise?
"id": "ft_qstnr_q9",
"skipIf": "flags.ft_qstnr_q8_never||flags.ft_qstnr_q8b_combat||flags.ft_qstnr_q8b_offduty",
"questionMainText": "What was the noise exposure source in military training? (Select all that apply)",
"responseArea": {
"type": "checkboxResponseArea",
"choices": [
"id": "1",
"text": "Exposure to noise from a vehicle (Tank, Truck, Helicopter, Ship, etc.)"
"id": "2",
"text": "Exposure to noise from other machinery"
"id": "3",
"text": "Exposure to small arms fire (<12.7 mm)"
"id": "4",
"text": "Exposure to heavy weapons fire (artillery, mortar, etc.)"
"id": "5",
"text": "Exposure to grenades"
"id": "6",
"text": "Exposure to other explosives (demolition)"
"id": "7",
"text": "Other"
"verticalSpacing": 20
"setFlags": [
"conditional": "result.response==4",
"id": "ft_qstnr_q9_hvyweapons"
"followOns": [
"conditional": "result.response==4",
"target": {
"id": "ft_qstnr_q9a_hvyweapons",
"questionMainText": "What kind of heavy weapon?",
"responseArea": {
"type": "checkboxResponseArea",
"choices": [
"id": "Machine gun or large caliber firearm"
"id": "Mortar"
"id": "Artillary"
"id": "Shoulder-fired rocket"
"id": "Other"