Running into a consistent error on the Results Page for some of the Native WAHTS tasks on TabSINT 3.5.0. For example, both the FLFT, and Bekesy MLD tasks require a response on the first page, and upon completion, directs the user to a Results page giving the response.
Both of these tasks are incorporated into a larger protocol I am troubleshooting. The task itself runs smoothly but when the Results page is directed I receive the following:
“Internal error, please restart the exam. Please hand the device to an administrator”
The protocol still allows me to submit and continue running but I am not sure what it causing the error. It’s interesting that when I run certain subprotocols which include multiple WAHTS tasks, I get this issue. But when I run a manual selection which allows me to select only certain pieces of the protocol. There is no error, even if I choose more than 1 protocolId.
Alternatively, it may be nice to also skip the results page during administration. Is there an examProperty that allows for that?
The specific repository in question is under invicta_aud which is on the hffd server.
Than you.